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29–30 Oct 2019
Palais des Nations
Europe/Berlin timezone


Item 8: Smart investments: Financing for Gender Equality

no code
29 Oct 2019, 16:30
XVIII (Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland)


Palais des Nations

Geneva, Switzerland


The achievement of transformative gender equality related changes by 2030 requires innovative solutions to mobilize financial resources. The discussion will highlight effective measures to integrate a gender perspective in macroeconomic and budgetary decisions on policies and programmes at national and sub-regional levels. In the session, concrete initiatives to generate the necessary resources to deliver the expected results in line with the Beijing Platform for Action commitments and gender related SDGs targets will be presented, from both the public and private sector, including resources from innovative sources of funding. Also, the discussions will be focused on how targeted fiscal policies in social sectors and investments in agriculture and infrastructure could contribute to gender equality.

Presentation materials

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