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29–30 Oct 2019
Palais des Nations
Europe/Berlin timezone


Item 6: Ending violence against women and girls: Lessons and solutions from the region

no code
29 Oct 2019, 15:00
XVIII (Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland)


Palais des Nations

Geneva, Switzerland


Across the ECE region, violence against women and girls remains a pervasive problem. It occurs in peaceful times as well as in armed conflict and post-conflict settings and impacts women’s health with long-lasting consequences. It occurs in many different forms ranging from intimate partner violence, domestic violence, sexual harassment and cyber harassment, to femicide, forced and child marriages, honour-related violence and female genital mutilation. It persists in the public and private sphere as well as at the workplace. The discussion will address concrete actions to prevent and end gender-based violence, including through legislative and policy measures, strong and consistent implementation mechanisms for existing legislation, provision of efficiently coordinated essential public services, access to justice, financial support and awareness-raising efforts. Challenges such as the lack of sexdisaggregated data and gender statistics for monitoring and evidence-based policy making and the need to mobilize men and boys as allies for change will also be discussed.

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