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Migratory Birds

Exhibition Gallery (Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland)

Exhibition Gallery

Palais des Nations

E Building, 3rd floor - Door 40

Organized by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Turkey to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Switzerland. 


The Permanent Mission of Turkey presents the art exhibition “Migratory Birds”, in collaboration with the Ebru (water marbling) artist Atilla Can.

The exhibition aims to communicate the existence and importance of migrant children. The  ultimate goal of the artworks is to highlight that children should be protected from the adverse effects and traumatic conditions at times associated with migration, and to emphasise the importance that these children are at peace with the societies in which they are living, and themselves. 

The exhibition will be on display at the Exhibition Gallery, E Building, 3rd Floor - Door 40. From 6 to 16 February 2018.